For me, and I think for most of you also, I would rather getting the truth from the person involved( however horrible it is) than to find out myself someday. If you are thinking of lying for the rest of your life, covering the truth from the ones you love, I can tell you this, you're making the biggest mistake. Noone, I repeat noone can lie forever, the truth will find its way out sooner or later. In addition, the longer you lie, the longer the guilt of lying will haunt you, unless, you have no soul to take account for. "No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar----Abraham Lincoln". Take note of this before thinking to lie forever.
To forgive, yes, there's always forgiveness for almost everything(for me at least). But, I rarely forgive a lie, I deeply despise lies. Unless, the person involved come clean, that is very forgivable. At least, the person learned to be honest, never too late to change. To be frank, I respect that, not everyone has the guts to confess.
I don't understand why some people like to have secrets all inside oneself, doesn't it feel like its a sleeping volcano going to explode any second. I for one, hate that feeling, I live my life by one rule:"To do what I want, when I want, not opposing to law or morality". If it means covering the truth or lying, that is just who I really am, means I am just showing an illusion to everybody. How bad am I till I need to create an illusion to fool everyone? Come on guys, I am here, come know me, I have nothing to be ashamed about.
People who would lie and be dishonest for their own interest, well, these are the people I truly hate. Not to mention selfish, inconsiderate but most of all, fiendish! We're civilized beings, what differentiates us from other beings but just mere morality. Yes, in the world, its the survival of the fittest, but please let it be a fair fight. Don't be an animal, animals know no morality. Yet, animals living in herds help each other without intentions. We, as the "superior beings", cannot even compare to the animals in this? Be civilized, help the needy, not back stabbing and lie to hurt others to gain interest. Be advised to you-know-I-am-talking-about-you's, human are social animals, we need each other to survive, think about that before you start gaining interest from others' grief.
Confession, I admit I lied in my life, in fact, I still lie and I will lie. I believe everyone lies, yet, depending on the situation and the lie's effect. I seldom lie, rarely in fact. But when necessary, I will still lie. Example, promises, when I promise someone to uphold his name or whatever, I will lie when another guy insist on knowing after I told him its concerning other's privacy. I wont break a promise to be truthful. Its very hard to judge when it is a suitable time to lie. Yet, just try our best not to hurt anyone in the process of it. It is not inevitable, so, we can try, not to lie. Conclusion, avoid lying whenever possible, it should be saved as a last resort and when really necessary.
"Lies may get you ahead in the world, but you may never get back"
Its something like that, not sure, forgot where I heard it also.==
Its something like that, not sure, forgot where I heard it also.==
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