Friday, May 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 1, 2010






转载自 希望大家去看看。还真不错

Tuesday, November 23, 2010




害怕错误,也是得到智慧的一大绊脚石。人尚若一生都活在这无谓的恐惧中,那人生还什么意义。错误,又何惧之有?错误,只不过是人们认为难以接受的一项事实啊。只要学会接受,那,从中我们都可以得到不少的好处啊!放开所谓的恐惧,去学习吧!我对错误,失败的看法,只有一个:“伤心,难免,早日看透,从中学习,只许错一次,没第二次!也尽量弥补!”所以呢,我觉得能够尝尝失败的滋味是件幸福的事。总好过没机会学习。把每次错误都当成宝贵的经验,不就好了?我用用英语的一句话:“what doesn'tkill you will only make you stronger"这话也有它的道理的。失败的越多,只要肯从中学,你,一定会变得更好!

最后,我只想为大家带来最后一个重点。心开了,想开了,学习了,当然得应用在生活中。别给自己任何借口,重复“任何借口”!我败了!败在这儿,我只希望大家能从我的失误中学习!别了! “心开则意开,意开则皆开!”

Monday, November 22, 2010


An afternoon at Tzu Ji gave me this inspiration for this topic. I sat down, in a quite, relaxing room, having a tea, which had a really interesting name: contentment tea, along with other teas with great names. Lol.

People, often bow under a certain failure, greed. Greed, when in control, would help people to move up in life. In contrary, excessive greed will bring nothing but malevolence. In a Chinese saying, *direct translation":"when a man's heart is not satisfied, a snake can swallow an elephant". This saying is quite popular among the Chinese in Malaysia, reminding people always, to be content. Yet, people always overlook what is in front of them and tend to look into the things out of their reach and hoping greedily for it to come nearer. So, even with the saying always in mind, people tend to forget what it really means.

In life, people seldom appreciate for what they already have in hand. Most of the time, people tend to crave for something which they cannot get and/or far from reach. Most of the time, people tend to forget the one who gave his true heart, to love truly. Most of the time, people tend to go for others he cannot get, even if the one he is chasing after isn't that good after all.

Contentment is good. But, overdoing it can be a bad thing. "Over-content" will lead to unmotivated minds. One should be content of what he has, yet, he should work hard for achieve better in life. Yet, work hard doesn't mean one should always work and neglect other aspects of life. In my opinion, one would only really prosper in life by finding the balance in everything.=]

I, am a student in life. I learn, mostly from mistakes. In this case, I am still trying to come out of the quicksand I got myself in and hope I can learn something from it. I'm sorry I can't say much about this topic. As, I myself am still suffering from the effects of it too. I just hope that, one day, I can look back and say:"I was so stupid back then". By then, I would know, I've really learned. Saying all these, I still appreciate for what I have. I mean, what I have now might not be what I have in mind, but its still good. At least better than what I expect to be worst.

I always believe that, thinking positively will help solve my problem. Thinking positively helps me a lot in being balanced in the contentment and greed scale. I think positively when in trouble, I strike for more when in a good condition. Opinions guys? Am i doing right?=]

"Contentment, humble guide of life"

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Of secret and lies

What is a secret but a secret revealed? What is the truth but a probably-well-covered-lie? Haha, I chose to not worry about a statement, a happening to be true or otherwise. What good is it for us to worry about the unknown anyway? Experience, for me, is the key of knowing the truth. Don't worry, experience, even if it means the truth would hurt you, at least we will learn from it and grow. "What doesn't kill you only make you stronger"

For me, and I think for most of you also, I would rather getting the truth from the person involved( however horrible it is) than to find out myself someday. If you are thinking of lying for the rest of your life, covering the truth from the ones you love, I can tell you this, you're making the biggest mistake. Noone, I repeat noone can lie forever, the truth will find its way out sooner or later. In addition, the longer you lie, the longer the guilt of lying will haunt you, unless, you have no soul to take account for. "No man has a good enough memory to make a successful liar----Abraham Lincoln". Take note of this before thinking to lie forever.

To forgive, yes, there's always forgiveness for almost everything(for me at least). But, I rarely forgive a lie, I deeply despise lies. Unless, the person involved come clean, that is very forgivable. At least, the person learned to be honest, never too late to change. To be frank, I respect that, not everyone has the guts to confess.

I don't understand why some people like to have secrets all inside oneself, doesn't it feel like its a sleeping volcano going to explode any second. I for one, hate that feeling, I live my life by one rule:"To do what I want, when I want, not opposing to law or morality". If it means covering the truth or lying, that is just who I really am, means I am just showing an illusion to everybody. How bad am I till I need to create an illusion to fool everyone? Come on guys, I am here, come know me, I have nothing to be ashamed about.

People who would lie and be dishonest for their own interest, well, these are the people I truly hate. Not to mention selfish, inconsiderate but most of all, fiendish! We're civilized beings, what differentiates us from other beings but just mere morality. Yes, in the world, its the survival of the fittest, but please let it be a fair fight. Don't be an animal, animals know no morality. Yet, animals living in herds help each other without intentions. We, as the "superior beings", cannot even compare to the animals in this? Be civilized, help the needy, not back stabbing and lie to hurt others to gain interest. Be advised to you-know-I-am-talking-about-you's, human are social animals, we need each other to survive, think about that before you start gaining interest from others' grief.

Confession, I admit I lied in my life, in fact, I still lie and I will lie. I believe everyone lies, yet, depending on the situation and the lie's effect. I seldom lie, rarely in fact. But when necessary, I will still lie. Example, promises, when I promise someone to uphold his name or whatever, I will lie when another guy insist on knowing after I told him its concerning other's privacy. I wont break a promise to be truthful. Its very hard to judge when it is a suitable time to lie. Yet, just try our best not to hurt anyone in the process of it. It is not inevitable, so, we can try, not to lie. Conclusion, avoid lying whenever possible, it should be saved as a last resort and when really necessary.

"Lies may get you ahead in the world, but you may never get back"
Its something like that, not sure, forgot where I heard it also.==

Monday, November 1, 2010


好一个雨天! 天~你太眷顾我了。。=]




吃罢,只见老天竟下着倾盆大雨啊~! 我心只想,这下完了,我一星期的衣还没收啊!!反正,我老兄也还没吃,就到另一个地点吃吃了。以我老兄的吃饭速度,吃完了雨还没停,这雨还真算长命了!嘿嘿!



这里还要特别感谢某人,她不介意我湿透的身子要来载回家,还蛮开心,感动的。=]不过害你差点车祸真是万分歉意=[ 其实,我真的不想弄脏你车,也不想麻烦你,也想在雨中漫步=]对不起啦,又谢啦=]]


最后,到家了,当然健康也重要,马上就洗了澡。回到了我的小电脑面前,写着这篇文章了。哈哈哈哈哈哈!! 还真是开心的一个晚上!=]

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Choice

Again, this post will be no help, only the people involved would understand what I wrote. Sorry about all these but its a big part of my life. Useful posts will come up next=]

*Tick Tock Tick Tock*

The sound of my watch grow extensively loud today, a big choice is upon me, a junction in front of me, both leading to an unknown future. The ticking is like a constant reminder to me, time is the essence. I know, when the choice is made, there will be no turning back, no regrets. I admit, its been a real burden, occupying my mind each and everyday. But now, the choice will be made, and it is made.

The sound of my watch later got overwhelmed by the sound of my heartbeat, staring blankly at my computer, fingers on top of "ENTER", mind shrouded, thinking: " Is this what I want? There will be no guarantee what happens next will be in my favor." Still unsure, a clear voice spoke: "The path you chose may not be the life you wanted, but you are sure that the life you have now is not what you wanted." So, I hit "ENTER". There goes my choice, hope is the only thing I can depend on right now.

I am sure, more rumors about me will rise and spread. I can only take that as a part of my punishment, for hurting someone, or a kind of retribution, although its far from enough, at least, its something for me to feel less guilty about. Rumors about me I don't care that much, I know what I am doing and What I will be facing. I've made a choice, the consequences had already gone through my considerations. What I am worried about is the consequences that will fall upon others with my choice. Someone would end up getting hurt, another might suffer from more rumors. Therefore, I shall take my own responsibility for my choice. Better or worse, its my choice, its the burden of the consequences I shall bear.

I am no saint and I never will be. I've been selfish and more by making this choice. I am not my normal self by making this choice. Normally, I would play safe, knowing there's no guarantee by choosing this, I would not go for it. But, this time, something about this choice had made me abandon my principles, my guidelines for safety. I decided to risk everything, to give up what I have in hand, to go for the uncertain future of this choice. Again, all I can do now is hope for the best.

I never regret the times I shared, and I never will. Its just that time goes by, after all those incidents, it changed me. I loved, I cried and I am tired of all those. Don't worry, it is not the other choice that made me give up the other. Its just that, I am tired. Who knows what will happen next? Might be better, might be worse. But, I will keep one sentence in mind, by my friend Mr. Jeremy Lim:" Comparison is the worst a man can do. " Never compare the choices and appreciate for whatever I will get.

This is the end. This is also the beginning of a whole new chapter of my life. Thanks my friends for being there for me, again. Mr.act cute king, saint, Mr.sorry,Mr.probation and You guys gave me opinions when I am in need. Thanks.

*The end of one is the beginning of another"